2016 has been a super busy year in terms of exploring the globe. We did an average of one trip a month, whether in India or overseas. Here are highlights of the past twelve months...
Raise your hand if you love shopping! I would have both my hands up in the air if I didn’t have to type the post! When we were in Bangkok earlier this year, I visited the Chatuchak Weekend Market. It is a shopaholics’ delight – hands and legs up in the air with excitement! If shopping is a sport that interests you, then make sure you make time to visit the Chatuchak market. Shopoholics ahoy!... Read More
Ankur and I have been to Bangkok a couple of times. However, never had we explored the city from a ‘kid-friendly’ point of view. This time, Ankur’s teenage niece and nephew accompanied us. We checked with a few friends before drafting our itinerary. Each one of them recommended the ‘Bangkok Safari World’ and insisted that we spare one full day for the excursion. Our friends and their little ones had enjoyed the place and thus,... Read More
If you are in Bangkok and do not take the effort to visit the Grand Palace, trust me, you are missing something! If you belong to the clan of people who marvel at architecture, creativity and construction capabilities (without modern day science), you just have to spend a day admiring the Grand Palace – I insist, and I haven’t met anyone who was disappointed after visiting this site. Here are eight things that you must... Read More
Flat noodles with egg …it sure does pass the muster of our ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet. Along with flat noodles coated in a dark sauce, which I assumed was soya sauce, the dish had loads of green leaves and some off white blobs, which I assumed was some egg preparation. I filled two bowls, gave one to Ankur and went ‘chomp chomp’ with my grub. Ankur was half way through his portion when he bit something hard…... Read More
Ever since I was a kid, I have spent innumerable hours watching the Discovery Channel. The deep sea series has always been my favourite – watching the whale shark glide effortlessly, marvelling at schools of fish creating a wall that seemed impassable, getting the ‘Awwwww, so cute’ feeling while numerous clown fish played hide and seek… and many more. These were inspiration enough for me to take the effort to enter the deep sea world... Read More
I am a water baby – I love the pool… and the sea… and waterfalls… In short – any water body. We had had a glimpse of the underwater world while snorkelling at Maldives – there are more colours under water than those on land. Peeping into the enchanting aqua world had made its way on the bucket list and was very high on priority. This one wasn’t an easy one – preparation started almost... Read More